

徽剑 徽剑 2023-07-30


Can India emulate China's model of poverty alleviation and be successful?



I do not believe that India can learn from the Chinese model, which is based on a number of historical, international context, cultural and other reasons to conclude that

1. From the 1950s onwards, China, with the support of the Soviet Union, rapidly built up a number of key projects involving national imperatives, such as power plants, railways, etc.

In the 1970s, as the two camps, the United States and the Soviet Union, fought, the West began to give China most favoured nation status in terms of trade and other policies in order to draw it in, stimulating the Chinese economy to form an export-oriented economy in terms of foreign trade.

In the 1980s, China was faced with the upgrading of industries in Europe and the United States, and a large number of low and medium industries, such as garment manufacturing, had to be transferred, and China, with its large population, accepted this transfer of industries.

But now, for India, this opportunity for industrial relocation was not taken up. In today's world, a lot of manufacturing automation technology has started to emerge and the advantage of simple manpower has been phased out.

I wonder why India did not take up the opportunity of the transfer of industries from the West. The reason is simple: the high percentage of illiterate workers in India, which lags behind China in terms of educational attainment, has resulted in a shortage of skilled workers in India.

In India now, we can see that most of the industries are very low-end, and even in the high-tech field, the reliability of the products is a big problem.


1. 从20世纪50年代开始,中国在苏联的支持下,迅速建设了一批涉及国家急需的重点项目,如电厂、铁路等。






2. China's national economic system is incomparable to that of India. In the last 30 years, it can be said that China has relied on state capital for public construction-led economic development on one side, and on the other side, China's export-oriented economy has brought about economic development.

The two have been mutually supportive.

Because the public construction has brought down industrial costs such as better roads and lower transport costs, Chinese products have become cheaper to export.

India, on the other hand, nominally has a state-run economy, but it is nothing like China's. We can all see this, let's take the high-speed railways as an example.

China used to import high speed rail technology from Germany and Japan and then improved it on its own.

Construction of China's first dedicated high-speed railway line, the Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway, opened for operation on 4 July 2005 and was completed in 2008. By August 2020, the total distance of China's high speed railways exceeded 36,000km, making it the largest high speed rail network in the world, with over 10,000km of lines operating at speeds of up to 300km/h, accounting for over 2/3 of the world's total distance. China's high speed rail network is still under construction and is expected to be completed by 2025 with approximately 60,000km of high speed rail.

India's high-speed rail currently stands at 0km.

Think about it, in 15 years, China's high speed rail has gone from 0 to 36,000 km. In another 5 years, it will reach 50,000 km.

On 18th December 2009, the Indian Ministry of Railways submitted the white paper "Future 2020" to the Indian Parliament on plans for high-speed rail links at 250km/h to 350km/h in central cities for business, sightseeing, cruising, etc.

On 14 September 2017, India held a ceremony to inaugurate the high-speed rail link between Mumbai and Asamand Buddh on 14 September 2017 in Amethafo.

By 20 August 2020 news showed that the Indian high-speed rail project was still inactive, and even the preparatory work for the start of construction - land acquisition - had not been completed. This is exactly three years after the Indian authorities' initial announcement that construction would begin in 2017 and be completed and operational by 2022. The National High Speed Rail Corporation of India, which is responsible for the implementation of the high-speed rail project, confessed that the section from Mumbai to Ahmedabad required 431 hectares of land to be acquired, but only 100 hectares of land were actually acquired, which is only 23% complete. For the other two sections, the land acquisition also fell short of the target, at 70% and 80%.

At the current rate of progress, it is impossible to open the railway to traffic before 2027.

Contrast this with China, which has built 36,000 km of high-speed rail in the 15 years since construction of the first one began. India is not expected to build a railway for 10 years from the start of construction.

One issue that has to be mentioned here is the troublesome land acquisition system in India, where land is privately owned like in the West and land acquisition is very difficult. According to the rules, the high speed rail line will have to cover 1400 hectares of land, affecting about 300 villages and 5000 families, but the Indians, who regard the land as their life, are not willing to sell the land to the government, and the government has no way of forcibly expropriating it, making it difficult to effectively implement the high speed rail contract between India and Japan.

The Chinese government, based on the public interest, can make a compulsory expropriation at a reasonable price.

This is one of the reasons why India's transport is totally incomparable to China's.

2. 中国的国民经济体系是印度无法比拟的。在过去的30年里,可以说,中国一方面依靠国家资本进行公共建设带动经济发展,另一方面,中国的外向型经济带来了经济发展。








2009年12月18日,印度铁道部向印度议会提交了 "未来2020 "白皮书,计划在中心城市建设时速250公里至350公里的高速铁路,用于商务、观光、巡游等。








Look again at roads.

According to publicly available data, India's road network density is 0.66 km/sq km, slightly higher than the 0.65 of the USA and much higher than China's 0.16 and Brazil's 0.20.

Overall, India's roads are of a relatively low grade. As of 020, India has less than 1,000 km of truly unobstructed highways. National highways cover a total of 71,000 kilometres, connecting mainly the capital with major cities across the country. There are 128,000 km of intra-state roads and 470,000 km of major local roads.

In comparison, China has 149,600 km of highways as of the end of 2019. This is twice the number of national highways in India.

By the end of 2014, China's road mileage reached 4.46 million kilometres. The mileage of highways in the country by class is as follows: by road surface class subgroup, there are 441,680 km of paved roads, including 184,555 km of asphalt concrete roads and 257,125 km of cement concrete roads; 455,281 km of simple paved roads; and 973,700 km of unpaved roads.

If you have been to India and China and compare the roads you will find that most of the so-called roads in India are not considered roads at all in China.

Because of the smooth traffic, the timeliness and cost of transport within China becomes very low. This makes it very convenient for Chinese industry, trade etc.

If India cannot establish such an efficient public service system, the development of the entire economy will be constrained.

Think about this: if a region, even the roads are not accessible, can this region please be poor?

3. For cultural reasons, this one is expected to cause resentment among our Indian friends.

There is a Chinese book "Impressions of Mumbai", the author wrote this interesting passage: ...... If the dinner invitation says the banquet at 7pm, you have to be ready to start eating only at 9pm; if an Indian tells you something will be done in 5 minutes, you have to wait at least half an hour ......

I've also read this gripe from a Chinese tourist online: "During my stay in India, I had a problem with my camera getting water in it and I found a privately owned camera repair centre to fix it. The owner was very kind and said it should be fixed within a week for over 10,000 rupees. I was in a hurry to go on a trip and my camera was essential to me, so I agreed and told the owner that the price was not a problem, but that I wanted it fixed as soon as possible. However, when I went back to school and waited for two days, I asked the owner if it had been repaired and he said it was still being tested; when I called two more days later, he said to wait another two days; when I called him again eight days later, he said he had just finished testing it. I was so angry that I immediately told the owner that I would not repair the camera and went to get it back that day. This was the incident that completely disrupted my travel plans."

Let's look at the Indian military industry, the design of the Indian aircraft carrier Vikrant began in 1999, the keel was placed on 28 February 2009, it was first moved out of the dry dock into the sea on 29 December 2011 and was officially launched on 12 August 2013. As of 2014, the construction cost of the Vikrant has risen to US$2.9 billion. Construction is expected to be completed by June 2021, after which she will be delivered to the Indian Navy for two years of sea trials.

20 years old and expected to be in service for a few more years, compare this to China

China's first aircraft carrier was converted, and that's aside. The second aircraft carrier alone was developed by the People's Republic of China itself, with construction starting in November 2013 and dockyard construction beginning in March 2015. 26 April 2017 The launching ceremony for China's second aircraft carrier was held at the Dalian Shipyard of the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC). 13 May 2018, first sea trials conducted.

China is 7 years. The point is that China's aircraft carrier is bigger than India's displacement ah, China is 70,000 tons. The Indian aircraft carrier has a displacement of 40,000 tonnes, which is almost half as small.

China is also currently building a third aircraft carrier, expected to displace 80,000 tons, with construction starting in 2018 and expected to enter service in 2023. This counts the 65,000 tons displacement of the first aircraft carrier that was rebuilt (construction started on 26 April 2005 and commissioned on 25 September 2012).

In other words, India builds one aircraft carrier and China builds three, while China's displacement adds up to 215,000 tons and India's is 40,000 tons.

This would show the efficiency of the two countries, wouldn't it?










3. 由于文化原因,这个估计会引起印度朋友的反感。

中国有一本《孟买印象》,作者写了这样一段话,很有意思。...... 如果晚餐邀请函上写着晚上7点的宴会,你要准备好9点才开始吃;如果印度人告诉你5分钟内就能完成一件事,你至少要等半个小时......。


我们来看看印度的军工,印度 "维克兰特 "号航母于1999年开始设计,2009年2月28日安放龙骨,2011年12月29日首次搬出干船坞入海,2013年8月12日正式下水。截至2014年,"维克兰特 "号的造价已升至29亿美元。预计将于2021年6月完成建造,之后将交付印度海军进行两年的海试。


中国的第一艘航母是改装的,这个暂且不说。仅仅是第二艘航母就由中华人民共和国自行研制,2013年11月开始建造,2015年3月开始船坞建设。2017年4月26日 中国第二艘航母下水仪式在中国船舶工业集团公司大连造船厂举行。2018年5月13日,进行首次海试。





4. Cultural and institutional issues, Chinese traditional culture has the idea of common prosperity, plus the philosophy of the Communist Party, which emphasises common prosperity. This is why China lies very much in the work of poverty alleviation.

India, on the contrary, does not have a common wealth, but a culture of hierarchical stratification. The Indian political system is even more so that politicians are content with elections rather than long-term work.

There is no cultural support, no institutional support.

So taken together, my judgement is that there is no solution to poverty in India.

4. 文化和制度问题,中国传统文化有共同富裕的思想,加上共产党的理念,强调共同富裕。所以中国非常在于扶贫工作。

































